mandag 17. mai 2010

Amigos Forever-2

And about friendship again.

I have a Latin-American friend who grew up in Norway. So he must be a bit Norwegian also, at least more integrated than me. And he says: “I don’t want to live in Norway. Æsj! Too cold”. Well, is it the only reason to move from here?

“No. all my friends are foreigners. So what’s the point to live in a country where all your friends are foreigners? Maybe, it’s smarter to move to the place where they have their home?”

Hm. My friends in Oslo are mostly foreigners too. And yours?

2 kommentarer:

  1. Getting more and more norwegians in my network here and less and less compatriots for some reasons. Pretty satisfied with it actually. Used to know lot´s of russians or people from around ex-soviet, but disappointed in many of them with the time. So norwegians are answering all my needs right now. Hmm, I realize it strange :)

  2. well, this is cool.
    i know what u mean about being disappointed by ex-soviet people. well, people are people any place. and while in russia there are millions and u can choose, here u have just some, and not always the best ones ;). anyway, my best friends in this place are: russians/and Co., and latinos :).
    i can't say that norwegians meet my needs. not now. maybe, in some years :P
